OK for everyone who did watch this episode - thoughts? Season 8 so far has been a gentle introduction to what will ultimately be, the end of the Dexter run. Since there will be no more episodes after Season 8, the writers have to wind down Dexter's story to a (hopefully) satisfying conclusion, here's hoping we get that.

The scene opens with an apparent 'intervention' style family counselling session between Debra and Dexter mediated by Evelyn Vogel. Oh, so they are totally fine from the car crash then, cool, I thought you know they might have at least some injuries from the impact but whatever, writers. Dexter brings up the very good point that not only did Debra try and kill him (and herself) but if she succeeded she would also have left Harrison an orphan. Debra shrugs it off (clearly she didn't think this through) and Dexter makes clearly the most groundbreaking announcement: that he's 'not perfect' - well no shit, Sherlock. Dexter eventually leaves angry and frustrated telling Vogel not to forget to 'write it all down'. Clearly Dexter is not a family therapy fan.
Later, cut to the police station and the main revelations are: Masuka apparently has a female child and the girl Dexter saved from the basement is alive. Woo-hoo, score 1 for the supposed 'good guys'. Quinn and Miller head over to the Hamilton's house (accompanied by Dexter, although it's not really necessary for him to be there) and Dexter gets to eye up the Hamilton's very creepy and suspicious son who protests his Dad's innocence.

Quinn and Miller investigate Norma's death and find that Hamilton Junior was at the scene - possible eyewitness or possible killer? However, after reporting it in, the witness recants, Quinn is angry, he thinks Matthews had a hand in this. Masuka grows more suspicious of his daughter's appearance and Dexter's frankly unwanted date turns up at his house, however he eventually manages to get out of the date and
Yates is threatening Vogel with cutting off her toes; Vogel, distressed attempts to gain the psychological upper hand by impersonating Yates' mother. She manages to call Dexter on her phone allowing him to listen in. Deb gets her boss to track the number and team Morgan promptly roll out to the address. However Yates has found the phone.
Team Morgan arrive on location but Vogel is tied up and Yates is nowhere to be seen. Dexter enters his zen mode and promptly stabs the bed with a pole, killing Yates who was hiding underneath - why was he hiding? Who the hell knows, he could have just escaped.
Cue happy ending: Vogel praising the Morgans for working as a team - everyone seemingly happy and satisfied even though they are literally clearing up a body and for any normal person this would be a harrowing experience, but for these people it's like family bonding. They dump the body and all is well - it's a very weird scene with everyone looking increasingly creepy in the pale moonlight on Dexter's boat.
Next time: Who killed Norma, was it the creepy son? How will Vogel cope now that Yates is gone, how will she fit into the Morgan's lives? And most importantly, will Dexter and Cassie eventually have their date?
Review by Yaz.
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