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So I'm trying to figure out what was the first thought that entered the skull of Jesus Christ when he woke up in the morning several hours before the Last Supper (Also known as Passover).  Did he think, "Hey, this is going to be a great day.  I have a feeling that something wonderful is going to happen to me."  Or perhaps he thought, "Holy Shit, I forgot that today was the day I'm going to die for the sins of the entire human race."  Or perhaps he thought, "Wow, today was the day I'm going to die for the sins of the entire human race.  I can't wait for all the fun and excitement that will result."  Did he think, "Hey, I keep getting warned that Judas Iscariot isn't trustworthy, but I'm going to keep him around because I need to die for the sins of the entire human race."  Honestly, what thought could possibly enter the mind of the Son Of GOD as he wakes up in the morning---Several hours before the Last Supper.  I mean, Jesus Christ was safe, sound and not incarcerated by the police.  He still had the chance to escape Jerusalem without a scratch.  The birds were chirping.  Breakfast was being made for him one of the Twelve Apostles.  Wouldn't it be fun if it were Pope Simon Peter's turn to cook breakfast for Jesus Christ.  He had a dream about whatever it is the Son of GOD could possibly want to have a dream at night about.  He gets out of bed in the morning---Several hours before the Last Supper and what was he thinking about.  What thoughts could a person possibly think about on the last hours of freedom?  Torture, humiliation and death by crucifixion was only several hours away and he already knew what will happen next.  What thoughts could enter your mind when you know the best morning of your life will result in the worst evening anybody could possible imagine.     

While I'm lost in thought about the Christian Faith, here are some photos of film actress Nicole Kidman.

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